President's Welcome Message
Our warmest welcome to the website of the Confederation of the European Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, CEORL-HNS.
Despite the fact that the ORL-HNS speciality is quite old, the history of our pan-European ENT society is relatively new. The Confederation was established in 2009 with the main objective of grouping under the same „umbrella“ the already existing EUFOS (European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies), representing European national ENT societies; EAORL-HNS (European Academy of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery) representing the European subspeciality societies; and UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes), with the ORL speciality Section and Board, in a comprehensive effort to create one voice for ORL-HNS societies in Europe and beyond. „Harmonization“ of similarities with differences is our main task, while respecting the borders of Europe, we try to go far beyond them.
The Confederation is celebrating its 15th birthday this year, in its full power of youth, strength and desire to evolve forward and further. In the most recent years, we are very happy to have managed to create the fully functional and vibrant Young Confederation of CEORL. The following are only a few of the Confederation's activities during the period between the 2022 Milan and 2024 Dublin Congresses. A strong support for young ENT doctors in the form of Observership travel grants was renewed and expanded, and CEORL-HNS 2024 Dublin scholarships were a great achievemnt. Two successfull courses of the CEORL-HNS Academy were held in 2023 and 2024. „Education“ has also been another important funding task for us: the aim of the Academy is to improve skills and update knowledge, while gathering young people from all around Europe in a spirit of friendship and raising awareness of being part of the same community of European ENT specialists – head and neck surgeons. The CEORL-HNS Global Outreach initiative (efforts to improve access to ENT healthcare worldwide) is another new project that was started.
Last but not least, we are still sharing the same great sense of expertise and high scientific level, together with friendship and the feeling of a mutual belonging to the same group, that was the soul of the extraordinarily successful CEORL-HNS Congress in Dublin in June 2024.
Walking down this path, we believe that the Confederation fulfills its mission and raises awareness in Europe and beyond. We do hope to continue hand in hand with all European ORL-HNS towards the next event, the 8th Congress of European ORL-HNS, April 25-29, 2026, Gothenburg, Sweden.
I hope to see you all there, we will keep in touch through our Newsletters.
My warmest good wishes.
Jan Plzák, President of CEORL-HNS