The European Head and Neck Society (EHNS): A True Multidisciplinary Platform for Head and Neck Oncology
The EHNS was founded in 2006 and it is the final result of a road towards a true European multidisciplinary platform on head and neck. The EHNS was originally developed by surgeons all performing head and neck cancer, who recognized the importance of collaboration with different specialities. In this perspective, EHNS achived a critical goal in bringing variety of disciplines together. It is a “society of societies”, and composed of individual persons, national and multi-national societies, associated study groups oriented towards head and neck cancer research, training and treatment throughout Europe and elsewhere in the world. The intent of the EHNS is to promote exchange of knowledge in all aspects of head and neck neoplastic diseases and to promote the highest standards of research, education and training, disease prevention and patient care.
The most important EHNS project is MAKE SENSE CAMPAIGN. In 2013 the EHNS Board established the Campaign to drive awareness and education about the risk factors, disease prevention, and signs and symptoms of head and neck cancer, ultimately improving outcomes for patients with the disease. The Campaign achieves this though:
- Driving awareness and education – through the annual awareness week in September
- Encouraging earlier presentation, diagnosis and referral
- Improving the care of patients
Since 12 years the EHNS organise in the whole Europe Annual Awareness Week which will take place from 16th to 21st September 2024.
Let’s be all together during that week and all the time!
Details about the Campaign you will find at: